Saturday, 17 September 2011

What's new... Eggs?

Really? Eggs?

Okay, I'm pretty sure eggs aren't new. What's next, sugar? Surely the egg industry could have come up with something better than this. Sure, eggs don't have a brand as such. But there are plenty of great examples of how to sell a basic food product. The 'got milk' campaign is a perfect example:

Everyone knows the banananananananananana ad...

The 'We love our Lamb' ad has proved to be pretty successful...

Even the new 'Get some pork on your fork' ads have some resonance with the viewer...

So why would the egg industry use a 'What's New' ad? It could increase sales slightly in the short run (although I somewhat doubt that), but it isn't going to take a spot in the minds of consumers in the long run.

In my opinion, even a spoof ad would work better:

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